DMX the man myth legend


Life has it’s way of making sentiments heart felt & this mans showed life it's justified meaning . ..

The man the myth the legend Dmx

“You don’t come to terms with something before you do it. It’s only after you’ve done it that you realize, you know, maybe that wasn’t the best thing to do. Sometimes you gotta fall down to know the feeling to get up.”
— Dmx

As hard as the music world has been hit bye dmx impending return home with our lord an savior jesus christ for goodness sake voices across the world gathered wishing dmx a miracle recovery form his highly televised reported overdose. Dmx leaves behind beauty children an family musically un undeniable critical acclaim. On thursday morning early as I rest praying for earl simmons healty recovery. Thoughts while awaiting word conversations knew the god dayz where now well awear earl would never be entertainments one man show . For the first time people imagined dmx an his only hype man being life support . Patiently awaiting over dmx condition updates during his last days where similar to sitting through ending credits of an X -Men movie , you know how them hints of extended contention reside on the brain. Whats outstanding are the rumors surrounding dark man x that’s been swirling under wrap. Listening to various sources will lead u astray from the truth best suited for you bye way of mass medias underlying value. To be fair DMX a relative house hold name, his legacy embedded deathstroke became an american household turmoil that spans the globe entirely in it’s concious fixation with drugs. Yes its America customization of ethics that will lobby around the music industry an its players who hold high influential positions accountable also. Media handlers designed to pacify people's feelings implying false goods if need be for you to over shadow hysterical frenzies emotionally unsettling grief. Infact pharmacist have medication to assist u along those alleviated measures. Opioids uppers & downers cascade support illrational behavior for Whatever mental state your in check with your doctor. Another addition why Drug’s Make Existing with consumers your local pharmacist prescriptions guarantee you’ll endure an possibly become an addict aswell. Ultimately big pharmaceuticalthe supreme architect . Anyone adhearing believing social media’s rumors dmx died from complications after takin the covid vaccine drug of pandemics choice has benefits an side effects. Assume neither way dmx was known to have a high tolerance since being introduced an manipulated into becoming dependent upon so forth an so on. Family an close friends implying, shit stinks yet feel great high as a kite in truth. Misunderstood Issues enable government’s fear mongering especially american democracy which earns a fortune on incarcerating the mind body an will power to make healty decisions. Furthermore %80 of all crime committed revolts around users abuse of their products standing purchase. Look at marijuana its become adjusted socially exceptional now no longer a problem child. Government has made it legal to have at best rates no more then 3 ounces . As for them other well spoken growths of controlled substances like coke an heroin dont stand a chance of legalization cause a singel hit can alter your life for worse f.u.c better humanity knows the obvious well documented reasons. There’ not a singel family without some one dependent on drugs %100 facts normalcy common sense. Growing up in an era of American Responsibility as a whole we all as Americans hold a responsible dialog influential with the drug users, %73 of the working class distinguished addicts. %21 of all american users will suffer overdose. Hustle & Flow go together like a fine oiled manufacturing plant. Father's mother's aunt’s brother's niec ’s cousins etc. Need your help which side u helping with enabling better yet fostering or are u part of the rear %1 searching compassionate solutions as no ones exempt. Help allocated bye drug counselors intervention specialist driving guilt an shame to their patients constant urges infuse more then elevate. Dmx was a strong competitor hospitalized a few times prior to his ultimate demise after struggling for ages in an out the public eye throughout all the achievements polarized fame of his music impact. Earl Simmons will be a globalization process of communication one of dmx last interviews prior to his dreams lived made his existing reality a thriving artist in the music industry. Normalcy staple motto only the strong survive. so they say common sense frames rags to riches dramatics the greatest illusion . Well %87 of humanity use drugs %80 percent of americans believe in trying experimental cocktails for lack of specific vices burdensome affect exercise just once in there lives .

  • Have u ever tried a substance ?

  • What’s all the reasons an theoretical explanations why dmx stardom fizzled out?

    Obviously overdosing played the smaller part in this story media would lead u to believe him less of a man when in all occurrences Earl Simmons a.k.a DMX the most masculine black male figure leading role since wesley snipes.

    Dmx music encapsulates as a drug fused artist who’s troubles out weighted his heights as a mega music artist . Def jam music group an countless industry executives peers an influencers knew well before dmx released “ his debut album “ it’s dark an hell is hot “ dark man x was severely suffering from drug abuse, certainly because several labeldeals did ’t pan out for dmx prior because the music industry was well awear of his substance abuse an refused to take the risk regaurless how gifted an impactful X happen to be. monetary gain record label’ muse Dmx pain besieged him daily sparking their fuse significantly Mega star at his peak with blockbuster movie's an recordings. Drugs Make eXisting even more vivid selling points in all to famous tales of Hollywood. Dmx died a representation of his prayers truth which favor you the reader who’s drug of choice is insight into the unknown. You the drug free shipping supplier cautious of whom u peddle push inevitable life or death towards. People will ponder what really happen that day. Todate Dmx legacy more comprehensive be it drug's influence ideally the coverage overshadowing his music more so then America the great making or breaking you loose for greatness. numb skulls hill tops won’t care to utalize concious. To each is own primarily def dumb an blind run the gamut chasin money cash hoes. Dmx experiences actuality void substance abuse more privy then plain spoken heart beats. Throughout Earl Simmons career dameon his arc esthetic devil character counterpart shoulder huggin relentless turmoil monkey on the back of america’s greatest fighter’s. choose your own poison reflections of success. Call drug addiction any industries pain & pleasure. Triumphant victories deflect man’s outcry illustrious. No makeup artist possesses enough cover up foundations stardom can mask . Normalcy suffers from substance abuse intervention. Dark Man X exemplifies how dark a hell drug addiction connects to people. In that moment u bow your head In presence of the most high make it for for clarity as we continue to overstand drug influences impact exclusivity . In memory of Dmx rest in paradise my dog.. .

