Black lives matter statement proportions evolved from distinction throughout the city were sentiments gathered in stride for trayvon martin stras themself couldn't deem why I was ask not to speak during the press rally the following week otherwise . Let me tell you it was life's resiliency raised through my bullhorn effortlessly a week prior that motivated multitudes of loving sensible caring everyday people to proceed ahead of bigotry . As genuine themes portrayed truth always takes a back seat to fame an propaganda. Well certainly trayvon martin has ushered in a unfathomable platform for undeniable reform were truth resides . No fluff or misleading follow marquee news . When I first uttered the black lives matter phrase now statement of black experience its narrative was set accordingly towards #chariot of the sometimes boisterous misunderstood black lives matter movement white washed by media bigotry set to manipulate black lives psychology shunning ever human right topically speaking about all lives matter . Marquee oral arguments actual facts . I must admit engaging conversation has been truthfully eye opening. Non exploited measures shied away from, until today as we began ground breaking construction for mankind . Be in attendence representing as u should. Should you could stand up for your people then & now sit in stand whatever u like . Ask not what past leaders have done " Act on course of course actions lead too " - Chic Marquee