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  Past Presents Formidable Muse

Past Presents Formidable Muse

Yes whenever you come to grips with humanity todate you'll awaken your own comprehension. Without judgement yet all seriousness many people are desensitized simulated energy givin power to a world in climates ecological evolution. Write me on cast me off 📴 alien insertion has been implemented still raised envisions displayed stand up staging affects. All virtual communication has elevated distance between human nature unrecognizable behaviors gone unjustified for barrier’s complacent comfortable state of mind .. Vaccinated herd immunity immediate immunization yet vulnerable still undeniably u still can catch the latest world population control covid. At best we as people figure out whats more important influential individually wrapped up in all the creative nonsensical nwo. Earth as we have know it continues it's beautiful battle between good vs evil.

Low an behold life as we know it masks distancing socially acceptable apart from one another segregation todate morale at its all time high desensitized simulated energy. People's fear has driven heard immunity into immediate mandates. Vs battles human nature awwww struck sensibilities unrealistic expectations for new worlds dominance. Cancel culture phycology inhibitors plagues mental healthcare, for what it lacks in individuals need of liberty an justice for all Americans dreams to be lived without constraint. Original flavor suffers a gauntlet of follies bye way of judgement offsetting indifferences from communicating on the same note of ancestral voices amplifier incomparable needs leads obvious cultural appropriation farther away from every dream that's been deferred shriveled like a raisin in the 🌞. Come on love vs hate watch an American saga yen yang your chi enter the Wu Tang . Be a follower of an infamous non follower with all the accessories accolades admire. 2021 family friends situations deals now & forever more reliance relative frequency algorithms brought to you.

News as the people know it comments trolls left trails of existence unscathed am i wanna be famously sampled u are loved to be suitable saught derivative of nature's miracle machine. Caught up in all the hype spectacular sense' apparently go follow Jay from his beginning A to Z rock & roll hall of fame lifestyle most duplicated, least you forget dame dash you’ll need that edge to break out . Hence the Bigger you believe move & think there's no Biggs like your own level pushing your goals formidable blueprint. Politics as usual government looms heavenly as gods portrayed to build off our lives billing rights till we follow suits most prestigious organization institute televised. Watch'em as though u benge watching your favorite show lately. Entertainment pointed heros stand out aswell as up ballers champion of champions ask Kyrie Irving, Colin Kaepernick, Kanye west etc. Overstand the cultural leadership in mysonne it's beautiful 🖤. Just coolin has a new definition you can only read with proof of vaccination. Non vaccers congratulations goin hard in the paint targets you cash flow effortlessly fashions’ sense whimsical like marijuana strands differences of opinions stink non the less when all one cares to know is how does it smoke ? If you ask me every conviction should be exonorated prior to this open new world court order . Live abundance that's what we all want strive for blindly todate not awear of what tomorrow will usher in. Tyranny all them evils man do come to discipline all the creative codes of ethics. There is a war goin on no man is safe from ‘ subject being themselves. As people tune toward award shows for relief much musically has been patrons vanity affair in lifestyles canvas painting ideals not realistic artwork's realism percepciones color book unfolded centerpage coverage blanketed centerpiece of distractions love to be drawn in a circle ‘ how outlandish is normalcy in 2021 deadass physer has the floor to host us into 2022 ready or not thank God the manturian candidate is old not a.i. yet as alien as it may sound my tone a lituation.