Black health Commodore at best mythical allusive to man that which ever makes eyes existence futile within the community a campaign is designed to suit a demographics choosen target’s 🎯. Visualize disillusioned people misleading doctrines misleading them very same people constantly brokering their peace of minds freedom liberty & justice within already proven systemic racism , theology designed to betray his story merely to infiltrate abuse an poison. America has been built off the backs of native amo share croped 40akes bye blacks for centuries , therefore health care todate major concern moving forward a muse to my mules' resilience. Beloved the people don’t fabricate a urgency to live an withstand evolutions test of time. Now untill lately a world pandemic ceases falling to the waist side allowing it's disease proper conformity. Complacent humanity stuck striving to believe in it's iradicating demise of society socially deprived are those only nay sayers whom live in a bubble blinded to humanity herd immunity. While freedoms reign Marquee news shuffling social distance up close an personal with the people. Mr Easterland well dresses suited in a nice suitable look face coving an all you’d think he was given a few pointers from karon miller a Rutgers dermatology student whom also attended this medical health gathering common sense would have u winning ideals.
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